Hi! I would like to inform you of a great way to entertain yourself and your kids!
Now, if you know our family you know we have a strong distaste for video games and such (we believe that video games are a great way to numb your brain into a mush, exercise only your thumbs, and waste countless hours of time if you were wondering). So you are probably thinking "what on earth!" right now. But before you jump to any conclusions, let me explain,
because this is what one of my favorite video game consoles looks like...
That's right! The all-powerful weed killing spray! You see, in the summer months here in Washington weeds grow like this is their paradise on earth, so we are hard pressed to stay on top of them. That is where my siblings and I come in to this grand war that has been fought almost since the beginning of time (read Gen. 3:17-18). There is hardly a day when one of use hasn't sprayed, pulled, or otherwise cut-off and destroyed an army of weeds recently.
This is also a much more healthy way to entertain yourself. For example;
instead of your kids having a pale pallor from playing numerous hours of pointless games, they will have a ruddy complexion (maybe also a sunburned one for those who burn easy) from their time spent "gaming" outdoors. Instead of your kids having very strong thumbs, they will have very strong hands! Instead of your kids gushing about how they beat level 113 today they will be able to proudly say "I sprayed the whole drive-way today!" Instead of your kids triumphantly shouting that they just obliterated this-or-that on the TV screen they will exclaim, "that weed will be so dead in several days!" And finally instead of pleading to use your hard-earned money on the newest and greatest time waster your kids will ask you instead to please get some more weed killer the next time you are in town!
So the next time your kid emerges from the living room looking like a zombie hand him a hoe and a pack of weed killer and pat him on the back as you say, "Little Billy, the back forty needs to be weeded. Get at it!" Your kid will thank you afterwards (it may take several days for his back to not be so sore so be patient).