Friday, November 30, 2012

The battle has only just begun~By Kyle

  During our Men's bible study early (6:00) this morning, we talked about our culture . . .  our culture that has just stepped off a moral cliff. Daddy shared some about the filth contained in our physicals we had to have a couple of weeks agofilth that is gut-wrenchingly sick to us Christians. Naturally, our conversation then turned to public schools. Why, you ask? After all, you are eager to point out, public schools are neutral! No. No, it is not true. The stuff taught in public schools is not neutral. We got a numbing realization of this when we had to take our physicals.
  Your kids are taught in public school everything contrary to God's law. In fact, God's law is banned from public schools. It does not take a genius to figure out what is taught in its place. But our kids need to be salt and light, you blurt. True, but have you actually read that passage (Mathew 5:13-16)? Jesus says we are salt and light! People will naturally see this! But what is the command that is actually given in this passage? The command, you will see, is to not lose our saltiness or our light. How does this fit with the idea of sending your kids to an institution that will do their best to make your kids lose their light and saltiness?

Imagine this analogy:

    You smile with pride at your very young, healthy child. My child will be a strong warrior for my Lord one day, You conclude with a contented nod.
    Naturally, you want this young person to be ready for the battles ahead. You begin to show him/her the weapon you use in your battles, a shining, double-edged blade that you believe is the most powerful weapon on earth (Hebrews 4:12). You hope one day that your child will embrace this weapon as their own. You also want your young warrior to utilize the necessary tools so as to be able to fight well in the upcoming war. You quickly enroll your child in the local academy that will teach him/her these skills. In your mind, nothing now stands in the way of your child becoming a strong warrior.
    Eventually, you are overjoyed when your child chooses to become a warrior for your Lord. You eagerly show him/her how to use his sword, and gird him/her with the armor of your Lord's army (Ephesians 6:1e-17). Your young warrior yearns to practice using their sword, so he/she shows up at the academy bearing the blade proudly. But immediately your child is attacked. His/her sword is stripped away and tossed out the door. Not only that, but he/she is banned from communicating with your Lord at the academy. You are unaware of this, but secretly this academy is trying to train young warriors to fight for your enemy. They are training your warrior to fight against you and your Lord.
    Years pass. Each day your child walks slowly back to your house after hours of training at the academy. His/her steps are slow and weary, and eventually you will realize that your warrior is returning from the academy wounded. You stare, horrified, as your child shows you their wounds. You do your best to bandage and treat these wounds, but some of them are deep and might not heal properly.
    The gloves are off. You now know what the academy really tries to train your warrior to be, and you are indignant at this. You now have a choice, but choose still to keep your kid in this academy. You urge your novice soldier to fight the good fight now against this academy, to try and save some of the young warriors there from the grips of the enemy.
    Your child wearily follows orders. Every day he/she at the very least is forced to sheath their sword at the door of the academy, or even to un-belt the sword and leave it outside. Armed with only a shield, your kid fights in heavily out-numbered skirmishes for the souls of the squires at the academy. He/she may win a few over, he/she may not. But the wounds your warrior receives will effect him/her forever. Skirmish after skirmish the very person your child is trying to help will turn on him/her and viciously attack with a black sword. Your child will raise their shield to protect themselves, but again and again deep dents will be rent in the shield as the black sword is brought down on them. At times your child may want to throw off his armor and be done with the struggle. If you have not truly made sure your child is in the ranks of your Lord's army, you will probably lose him/her.
    Finally, your young man/women graduates from the academy. You celebrate with your child, but this victory is short lived. You then send him/her off to a higher academy for four more years of weaponry study. Here the hammering against your warrior will grow even more intense. Everywhere he/she turns they will be attacked in some shape or form. Your warrior's hand will constantly be led to the handle of the sword of the enemy, and he will be urged again and again to pick it up, to use it. This urge will be hard to resist.
  If your warrior makes it through all this, he/she will then be ready to enter the battlefield of the world. He/she limps to the war you are engaged in, determined still to fight by your side. In front of your warrior stretches miles and miles of a fierce battle waged for the souls of all the people in the world (Ephesians 6:12). Already wounded, your warrior wonders what impact he/she can really have in this fight. Your child turns to look for reinforcements from their generation, but is shocked to behold that most of their generation is marching towards the enemy's camp. Only a few stragglers, stumbling forward and clutching at deep wounds from the academies, make towards the army of the Lord.
    It is then that your warrior realizes, to their despair, that the battle has only just begun.

Do you begin to comprehend why we homeschool?

1 comment:

  1. Very nice (and very true) article. This is certainly good enough to be published. How about you send this in to the Chronicle?
